Our focus on the environment and each other
At the end of 2020, the management team at the parent company decided to implement a development program within sustainability in order to more clearly define and formulate goals for the sustainability work within the group. A sustainability group was formed with representatives from the largest companies and markets to create broad participation.
A stakeholder and materiality analysis showed that 4 of the 17 global goals in Agenda 2030 are particularly important for our operations

Equality between women and men is a prerequisite for sustainable development. Equality is about a fair distribution of power, influence and resources. It has been proven that political, economic and social equality between women and men contributes to all dimensions of sustainable development. We must have an inclusive work environment where everyone has equal opportunities based on their qualifications for the job, regardless of gender. Today, 50% are women in Lagermetall.
Decent working conditions promote sustainable economic growth and are positive for the planet. By creating good conditions for innovation, entrepreneurship and ensuring decent working conditions for everyone, sustainable economic growth that includes the whole of society is promoted. We must ensure sustainable economic growth and protect decent working conditions at both Lagermetall and suppliers.

A functioning and stable infrastructure is the foundation of all successful societies. To meet the future challenges that we humans and our planet face, our industries and infrastructures must be made more inclusive and sustainable. Through high product and application knowledge, we must influence the customer’s choice of components and solutions based on a sustainability perspective.
Climate change is a real and undeniable threat to our entire civilization. Greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise and, as a result, we risk reaching an average global warming that exceeds two degrees, which would have serious consequences for our planet. We must contribute to reduced climate impact through recycling and to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.